Removalists on the Gold Coast
Your personal data

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Please let us know what changes to your data you would like​

Personal data access​

Your personal data remains your property and as such you have the right under legislation, to access the data that our website might collect, store and use from time to time.

Below, you will find our data handling request form. Please supply your email address so that we can forward to you, a confirmation email to ensure that the data is being supplied to its rightful owner.

Once you receive this confirmation email and confirm that you are the rightful owner we will send you a full and detailed copy of all data we have for you.

Your right to be forgotten​

Your personal data belongs to you and as such you have the right under legislation, to have some or all your personal data deleted from our website servers unless the data is required to be kept as covered under the “Legal Grounds” provisions within the legislation.

These “Legal Grounds” are:

  1. Contractual Necessity.
    Where information such as a physical address or current contact details needs to be retained under contract for the term of the contract.
  2. Public Interests.
    Where information needs to be stored to safeguard the general public.
  3. Legal Obligations.
    Where information needs to be retained to comply with governing laws such as is stated by the Australian Tax Office etc.

Below, you will find our data handling request form. Please select the “Forget Me” tab and choose from the list supplied, which of your data you would like deleted

Then just fill in your email address so that we can forward to you, an confirmation email to ensure that the person requesting the data deletion is the  rightful owner.

Once you receive this confirmation email and confirmed the request we will delete the data as requested by you..

Data rectification​

We have a legal obligation to ensure that your data stored on our servers is kept correct. If you become aware of any data we have stored for you is incorrect you can instruct us to correct our data records in accordance with current legislation.

Below, you will find our data handling request form. Simply select the “Data Rectification” tab. There you will find 2 input feilds. In the first field please list the current incorrect data you would like corrected. In the second input field, simply supply us with the correct information.

Then please supply your email address so that we can forward to you, a confirmation email to ensure that you are the rightful owner of the data.

Once you receive this confirmation email and confirmed the request, we will then, in a timely manner, make the corrections to your data as you have requested.


Removalists on the Gold Coast collects your data, once you have given active consent and will sometimes use that data to send you emails, from time to time to inform you of latest news and offers and other value adding information.

Below, you will find our data handling request form. Simply select the “Unsubscribe” tab. There you will find an input field. In the input field please type the email account that you previously supplied Removalists on the Gold Coast and tick the box asking for you consent to use your data for this process only.

You will then receive a confirmation email to ensure that you are the rightful owner of the data.

Once you receive this confirmation email and confirmed the request, we will then, receive an email confirming that you have been unsubscribed from all our mailing lists.

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How Our Rates Work

One of our helpful team members will contact you shortly. (during office hours) 

All rates include GST and are charged in 15-minute increments after a minimum hourly charge. A 30-minute minimum is added to cover depot-to-depot.

Monday to Friday: A 2-hour minimum applies, offering cost-effective options for weekday relocations.

Saturday: Slightly higher rates with a 2-hour minimum to meet increased weekend demand.

Sunday: A 3-hour minimum applies, reflecting the premium nature of weekend services.

Depot-to-depot travel is calculated at the same rate as the move and is also charged in 15-minute increments.

Included in our service are two professionally trained removalists and a fully equipped truck. We ensure our teams bring the highest level of industry experience and are fully insured, giving you peace of mind throughout your move.

Contact us here at Removalists on the Gold Coast, Gold Coast Removals